Printmaking techniques can be divided into the following basic families or categories: relief printing, intaglio and planographic.
Relief printing where the ink goes on the original surface of the matrix is the oldest printmaking technique. Prinmaker transferes drawing on printing block, often wooden, then using various types of gravers removes material around the drawing. Ink lay on the raised places. We can simply liken this technique to imprint of a stamp.
Relief techniques include: woodcut or woodblock, wood engraving, linocut and metalcut. |
Intaglio, where the ink goes beneath the original surface of the matrix allows the artist more fine work then other techniques. Printmaker engraves or etches image into metal plate - zinc, steel, copper or aluminium. Than the ink is rubed in engraved or etched places and by the pressure is the image pressed on paper.
Intaglio techniques include: engraving, etching, mezzotint, aquatint, chine-collé and drypoint. |
Planographic technique, where the matrix retains its entire surface, but some parts are treated to make the image, is based on process when hydrophilic regions accepts a film of water and thereby repel the greasy ink and hydrophobic regions that repel water and accept ink.
Planographic techniques include: lithography, monotyping, and digital techniques.